Trading view charts in Tradetron
To view trading view charts in Tradetron, follow the steps below Go to Dashboard Click on Market Watch Click on Search Symbol or Instruments Type "Nifty" or any instrument you want (https://images.tango.us/workflows/5652982b-f72d-4452-86ab-cd1dd5d7df7b/stSome readersDifference in data feed
Different market participants source data feed from different sources. Thus the data feed for Tradetron may or may not match what you see for other platforms or brokers. The below video should give you more details. You can check the data received for any instrument of your choice from the dashboard page: You can now go to "Market watch" and then add thSome readersWhat is the difference between "expiry" and "today" on dashboard?
What is the difference between "expiry" and "today" on dashboard? The widget on top shows you the PNL, capital and value of the positions on the deployed page. The widget is based on the filter you select here: PNL will give you the overall PNL of all strategies that are a part of your filter. When you select "EFew readersHow can I "exit all" live strategies in case of an emergency?
To "exit all" live strategies in case of an emergency you need to go to the dashboard page You will then see "exit all" as a button. Click on it Accept the confirmation and exit.Few readers
Deployed Page
How to delete/archive deployment
There are two ways to dispose of a strategy deployment: You can delete it, which will remove it from your deployed page in which case you cannot recover previous traded data. Another way is to archive it, if you archive it, it will be under archived filter status and you can still see the previous trade data. Pls refer the image below (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/webSome readersPaper Trading vs Live offline
Hi, Paper trade and live offline are essentially the same, the only prominent difference is that Live offline deployments will give WhatsApp/ SMS trade notifications. If you have the app downloaded you will also receive in app notifications for live offline strategies.Few readersWhat is a counter?
A counter reflects the number of times a strategy has run after exiting. So the first time a strategy enters and exits, the counter will be 1. The strategy can be reactivated manually or automatically based on the settings. You can change this in the "Reactivate on exit" setting. If its set to "Never", a exited strategy will not be reactivated. If its set to 2 minutes, the strategy will be reactivated 2 minutes after it exits and if the entry condition is satisfied it will take a new setFew readersHow to Paper Trade your own created Strategy on Tradetron?
First, Go to “Strategies Section” and Click on “Create” as shown in the image below: Now you are on “Create” Strategy Page, as shown in the image below You can refer to our Youtube Channel,where we have uploaded Full Strategy creation video Tutorials as well as all important videos related to different keywords anFew readersDifferent Deployment Status
Once a strategy is deployed, it undergoes status change as per below options. Active - checking for entry conditions of all sets but as none have been satisfied, no trades have been taken yet Paused - No conditions are being checked. Existing positions taken if any will continue un-touched till strategy reactivated or exited Blocked - No conditions are being checked. Contact strategy creator / tradetron support to get strategy unblocked or exit strategy Live-EntereFew readersHow to see archived deployments
Go to deployed page and under filters, select Archived as the status to view all the previous archived deployments Check the image below for referenceFew readersDeployment Types
The different deployment types are explained in detail in the video belowFew readersHow to Check Performance of a Deployed Strategy?
How to Check Performance of a Deployed Strategy:Few readersHow to Paper Trade your subscribed Marketplace Strategy on Tradetron?
Go to Tradetron Marketplace as shown in the image below: Here on marketplace, in front of the Strategy of your choice, you will find a “Subscribe” button as shown in the image below. Please subscribe. Once subscribed, it will be visible in your “My Strategies” page, where on the right hand side in front of your stFew readersWhy the LTP is showing zero?
The LTP of the instrument on the deployed can appear zero when the instrument is illiquid and does not have enough volume. Below is an example of such an instrument. To understand the liquidly of the instrument check the volumes and not Market Depth of the instrument. The Values on the deployed page are updated separately when there is no new tick received from the exchange, the LTP remains zero on deplFew readersStrategy Deployed But Not Visible - Reset Filters
Sometimes you may face an issue where you may deploy a strategy but the strategy is not visible on “Deployed Page” and you get to see “No Strategies Deployed Yet” message as shown in the image below: This happens mostly because there is a pre-set ‘Filter’ applied to the page as shown in the image below highlighted in Blue box within the Red box: (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/948Few readersOn-Error Settings Explained
Pls check the video below to understand the usage of On error settings in deployed pageFew readersWhat happens if conditions are satisfied when a strategy has been paused?
When in paused state no action will be taken when condition has been satisfied.Few readersBasics of Deployed page
Kindly watch the video below and you will be an overall view about the features of the deployed pageFew readers